Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the temple?

The temple exists only in human consciousness. It is our belief that the love for God or nature does not require a building, but is experienced internally. If however you are inquiring about the ceremonies, they will be conducted in Canada.

Who was Spinoza?

Baruch Spinoza, a 17th-century philosopher, was a radical thinker. He proposed there was only one infinite substance, which he called God or Nature, and everything in the universe was a part of it. This meant rejecting the idea of a separate, all-powerful God. Spinoza valued reason above blind faith. He believed that true happiness came from understanding God/Nature through logic, not just following religious traditions. He also believed in determinism, that everything happens according to the laws of nature, and free will as we conceive it is an illusion. Even emotions, though important, should be understood through reason to achieve emotional well-being.

Do you strictly follow the teachings of Spinoza?

No, while Spinoza had many things right, and his philosophy was on the right track, his philosophy was not complete. We believe that many others have also provided progress to our understanding of the universe.

What was the one infinite substance Spinoza talks about?

The universe operates on a fundamental principle: energy can never be truly destroyed, only transformed. This law, known as the conservation of energy, has been confirmed through countless experiments across various scientific disciplines. The prevailing cosmological paradigm, the Big Bang theory, posits a universe birthed from a singular, ultra-dense state of pure energy, 13.8 billion years ago. This primordial energy, possibly an inflation field, existed before the instantiation of the fundamental particles that comprise all matter today. To put it more simply, everything around you started from one ingredient, energy.

What is the purpose of this religious group?

The Temple of Spinoza’s God recognizes that faith is a multidisciplinary practice between religion, philosophy, psychology, and anthropology. These areas share a deep interconnectedness as they collectively explore fundamental aspects of human existence and experience. Religion offers frameworks for understanding ultimate meaning, morality, and the relationship between individuals and the divine. Philosophy delves into questions of reality, knowledge, ethics, and consciousness through rational inquiry and critical reflection. Psychology investigates the mind, behavior, and emotions, shedding light on how humans interpret the world, including their religious beliefs and practices. Anthropology studies human societies, cultures, and civilizations, exploring diverse cultural practices and beliefs within specific contexts. These disciplines have historically influenced each other, with overlaps in methodology and opportunities for interdisciplinary dialogue. Together, they provide insights into the multifaceted nature of human existence, including the ways individuals and societies seek meaning, understanding, and connection in the world.

What is the meaning of life?

Ultimately, the quest for meaning and understanding in the face of life’s mysteries is a fundamental aspect of the human condition. Whether through rational inquiry, religious faith, or personal experience, individuals may seek to navigate the complexities of existence and find their own paths to fulfillment. Sartre famously declared that “existence precedes essence,” meaning that individuals are not born with a predetermined essence or purpose but must create their own meaning through their choices and actions.

How do you approach the concept of faith

We do not condone blind faith but encourage spiritual living, peak experiences, independent thought, and open debate. We believe in a rational and experience-based approach to spirituality.

Why venerate the God of Spinoza if there is no blessing that is endowed?

The answer is simply that reality is preferable to fiction, and that we are a species that craves reverence of the creator. We must embrace spirituality for ourselves, to do otherwise is at the peril of our own mental health, families, and societies. Through science, we have killed our traditional gods, and through the social sciences we realize that we have killed a part of ourselves.

Does this religion have religious dogmas?

When faith in religious beliefs is held tightly, they are a beautiful thing.  When faith is forced, it is no longer faith, but rather fear of consequences.  With modern access to information, the deeper one looks into the origins of their beliefs, the more difficult it becomes to accept without reinterpretation and reformation of the ideologies.   It is not my goal to challenge one’s faith, but rather to give faith to those who have already lost theirs.  Spinoza said it best when he said “I do not know how to teach philosophy without becoming a disturber of established religion.” Look at the evidence, and decide for yourself.

Does science have all the answers?

Science has been a useful tool in being able to test theories and improve our understanding. All knowledge is also faith, so it may be castaway by new evidence.

Do you believe other religions to be wrong?

Spirituality is a nuanced area, and we respect the faiths of other religions. It is not an issue of right or wrong, but an issue of faith vs no faith. We are a species that wants to believe in something bigger than ourselves, in order to achieve self-transcendence and the betterment of the world we live in. If any faith helps an individual, it is preferable to no faith.


Can Ayahuasca help me with ________?

Ayahuasca is not a magic bullet for anything. It’s a powerful tool that can facilitate a shift in perspective, but the integration and long-term impact depend on the individual.  The fresh eyes gained through the experience can be a catalyst for personal growth, prompting us to re-evaluate our values and priorities.  However, it’s up to each participant to decide how to translate this newfound understanding into their daily lives.

What is the purpose of an Ayahuasca ceremony?

An ayahuasca ceremony is profoundly mystical experience, what makes these experiences particularly captivating is their capacity to evoke profound feelings of awe, wonder, and transcendence. Unlike academic pursuits, which often prioritize intellectual understanding and analysis, mystical experiences offer a more holistic and intuitive mode of knowing that engages the whole person—mind, body, and spirit. Moreover, mystical experiences can be deeply transformative, leading to shifts in consciousness, values, and perspectives on life. Many individuals who have had these experiences report a profound sense of interconnectedness with all of existence, as well as a heightened appreciation for the beauty, mystery, and sacredness of nature.

Are these traditional Shipibo ceremonies?

Yes and no. Indigenous people have much to teach us about the arts of healing, and also about our relationship to nature. Both religions share a reverence for nature as a manifestation of the divine, and the use of Ayahuasca as a tool for introspection on an internal journey. They are certainly not interchangeable in philosophy.

When will Health Canada make a decision about your exemption to ayahausca?

They do not give out predicted time periods for approval. Please sign up for a free membership, and we will update you when more information becomes available.